The information and content of this website does not constitute medical, legal or financial advice. Please seek advice from a licensed professional. The views or information expressed in the content or the videos on this site do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of "the Free Press Site" or its proprietors. COOKIES POLICY TERMS OF USE PRIVACY POLICY
DOCUMENTATION Children born during pandemic have lower IQs, US study finds.pdf 2 Things Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine.pdf Israel-the gold standard in vaccinations- vaccinated more infections and hospitalisations.pdf Concern-Covid-19-Mass-Vaccination-Geert-Vanden- Bossche.pdf COVID-19 'Vaccines' Are Gene Therapy.pdf COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca.pdf COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen.pdf Authorisation-to-supply-administer-COVID-vaccine-No2-Aus- Defence-Force.pdf 210324-Authorisation-197-to-supply-or-prescribe-a-poison- (Number 3).pdf Andrew Robertson (doctor) - Wikipedia.pdf 26May2021_Final_EUA100 Patient FS Sotrovimab.pdf COVID-19 vaccine provisional determinations _ Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).pdf EUA 000100_Revised HCP FS_SDN 38 Sotrovimab.pdf EUA.27034.179_FS for Vaccination Providers-Full EUA PI_final_5.19.2010.pdf Jab Remorse - LewRockwell.pdf Vaccine death report AMA guide to COVID messaging and combatting antivaxers.pdf 2012_Australian_Constitution.pdf Moderna vaccine operating system.pdf mRNA Platform_ Drug Discovery & Development - Moderna.pdf NEW-Civil-Liberties-Human-Rights-Issues-Surrounding-the- COVID-19-Vaccine-Candidates7.36.22-PM-min.pdf No Jab for Me – And Here Are 35 Reasons Why - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization.pdf No jab For Me.pdf Pfizer COMIRNATY™ COVID-19 VACCINE.pdf Poisonous Graphene oxide linked to vaccines face masks and swabs.pdf Poisons standard feb 2020.pdf Should you get vaccinated_.pdf TGA-no medicines approved for covid.pdf The American Idolatrous Christian Church is Part of the Satanic New World Order as its Leaders Urge Everyone to get the COVID-19 “Vaccine”.pdf The EudraVigilance database report up to July 2021.pdf The_Dangers_of_the_covid_19_Vaccine_Report_- _Updated_07.26.2021.pdf The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm Your Health.pdf Tony Nikolic letter to Brad Hazzard, MPs and senators.pdf Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles_ a general review of the origins and mechanisms _ Particle and Fibre Toxicology _ Full Text.pdf Transmissible Viral Vaccines.pdf Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) july 2021.pdf WA Public-Health-Act-2016-00-k0-00.pdf Who pays compensation if a COVID19 vaccine has rare side effects - The University of Sydney.pdf Take These Masks Off My Child The Plain Truth About Face Masks.pdf Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral.pdf The Dangers of the Covid _Vaccine_ to Pregnant Women.pdf TGA approves name change of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca to VAXZEVRIA _ Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).pdf VAXZEVRIA® (previously COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca).pdf CHECKMATE-UNITED.VOICES.pdf BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 61 Contents of a human biosecurity control order.pdf Study_ Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations WO2020060606 CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA.pdf BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 60 Imposing a human biosecurity control order on an individual.pdf 'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta.pdf PRIVACY ACT 1988 - SECT 94H Requiring the use of COVIDSafe.pdf Face mask rules _ NSW Government.pdf Face masks rules- Victoria.pdf Mask_Exemption_Notice-Victoria.pdf Children aged 12 to 15 years now eligible for COVID-19 vaccine _ Prime Minister of Australia.pdf Vaccination _ Safe Work Australia.pdf COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Company Profile Commonwealth of Australia SEC document Myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19.pdf Interim-Operational-Considerations-Implementing-Shielding- in-Humanitarian-Settings.pdf Letter from UK Medical Freedom Alliance to Headteachers and Teachers.pdf D4CE-Letter-to-Physicians-Four-New-Scientific-Discoveries-Regarding-the-Safety-and-Efficacy-of-COVID-19- Vaccines.pdf Covid-Medical-Network-Letter-to-Doctors-and-Health-Professionals-02082021.pdf covid-19-vaccination-practice-incentive-payment-in-reach- residential-aged-care-and-disability-support-worker-covid- 19-vaccination.pdf Veklury (remdesivir) label 214787Orig1s000lbl.pdf Midazolam_ Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action _ DrugBank Online.pdf Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Interim Guidance.pdf The journey of remdesivir_ from Ebola to COVID-19.pdf FACT SHEET FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS EUA OF VEKLURY (remdesivir) FOR PEDIATRIC PATIENTS.pdf Use-of-REMDESIVIR-in-COVID-19_V1.2_15Mar2021.pdf Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines.pdf Australian Immunisation Register Ceasing correspondence and release of information.pdf MASKS MADE OPTIONAL.pdf No Mask Mandates Exist.pdf Letter to Schools (CA).pdf The 45 Communist Goals.pdf Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity_ reinfections versus breakthrough infections _ medRxiv.pdf Transhumanism lecture slides by Carrie Madej.pdf Regeneron casirivimab and imdevimab EUA.pdf Regeneron COVID-19.pdf Sotrovimab fact sheet molnupiravir-patient-fact-sheet
TGA-Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN)
Total Fatalaties - 982
The information and content of this website does not constitute medical, legal or financial advice. Please seek advice from a licensed professional. The views or information expressed in the content or the videos on this site do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of "the Free Press Site" or its proprietors. COOKIES POLICY TERMS OF USE PRIVACY POLICY
DOCUMENTATION Children born during pandemic have lower IQs, US study finds.pdf 2 Things Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine.pdf Israel-the gold standard in vaccinations- vaccinated more infections and hospitalisations.pdf Concern-Covid-19-Mass-Vaccination-Geert- Vanden-Bossche.pdf s COVID-19 'Vaccines' Are Gene Therapy.pdf COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca.pdf COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen.pdf Authorisation-to-supply-administer-COVID- vaccine-No2-Aus-Defence-Force.pdf 210324-Authorisation-197-to-supply-or- prescribe-a-poison-(Number 3).pdf Andrew Robertson (doctor) - Wikipedia.pdf 26May2021_Final_EUA100 Patient FS Sotrovimab.pdf COVID-19 vaccine provisional determinations _ Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).pdf EUA 000100_Revised HCP FS_SDN 38 Sotrovimab.pdf EUA.27034.179_FS for Vaccination Providers-Full EUA PI_final_5.19.2010.pdf Jab Remorse - LewRockwell.pdf Vaccine death report AMA guide to COVID messaging and combatting antivaxers.pdf 2012_Australian_Constitution.pdf Moderna vaccine operating system.pdf mRNA Platform_ Drug Discovery & Development - Moderna.pdf NEW-Civil-Liberties-Human-Rights-Issues- Surrounding-the-COVID-19-Vaccine- Candidates7.36.22-PM-min.pdf No Jab for Me – And Here Are 35 Reasons Why - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization.pdf No jab For Me.pdf Pfizer COMIRNATY™ COVID-19 VACCINE.pdf Poisonous Graphene oxide linked to vaccines face masks and swabs.pdf Poisons standard feb 2020.pdf Should you get vaccinated_.pdf TGA-no medicines approved for covid.pdf The American Idolatrous Christian Church is Part of the Satanic New World Order as its Leaders Urge Everyone to get the COVID-19 “Vaccine”.pdf The EudraVigilance database report up to July 2021.pdf The_Dangers_of_the_covid_19_Vaccine_Re port_-_Updated_07.26.2021.pdf The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm Your Health.pdf Tony Nikolic letter to Brad Hazzard, MPs and senators.pdf Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles_ a general review of the origins and mechanisms _ Particle and Fibre Toxicology _ Full Text.pdf Transmissible Viral Vaccines.pdf Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) july 2021.pdf WA Public-Health-Act-2016-00-k0-00.pdf Who pays compensation if a COVID19 vaccine has rare side effects - The University of Sydney.pdf Take These Masks Off My Child The Plain Truth About Face Masks.pdf Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral.pdf The Dangers of the Covid _Vaccine_ to Pregnant Women.pdf TGA approves name change of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca to VAXZEVRIA _ Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).pdf VAXZEVRIA® (previously COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca).pdf CHECKMATE-UNITED.VOICES.pdf BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 61 Contents of a human biosecurity control order.pdf Study_ Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations WO2020060606 CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA.pdf BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 60 Imposing a human biosecurity control order on an individual.pdf 'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta.pdf PRIVACY ACT 1988 - SECT 94H Requiring the use of COVIDSafe.pdf Face mask rules _ NSW Government.pdf Face masks rules- Victoria.pdf Mask_Exemption_Notice-Victoria.pdf Children aged 12 to 15 years now eligible for COVID-19 vaccine _ Prime Minister of Australia.pdf Vaccination _ Safe Work Australia.pdf COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Company Profile Commonwealth of Australia SEC document Myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19.pdf Interim-Operational-Considerations- Implementing-Shielding-in-Humanitarian- Settings.pdf Letter from UK Medical Freedom Alliance to Headteachers and Teachers.pdf D4CE-Letter-to-Physicians-Four-New- Scientific-Discoveries-Regarding-the-Safety- and-Efficacy-of-COVID-19-Vaccines.pdf Covid-Medical-Network-Letter-to-Doctors- and-Health-Professionals-02082021.pdf covid-19-vaccination-practice-incentive- payment-in-reach-residential-aged-care- and-disability-support-worker-covid-19- vaccination.pdf Veklury (remdesivir) label 214787Orig1s000lbl.pdf Midazolam_ Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action _ DrugBank Online.pdf Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Interim Guidance.pdf The journey of remdesivir_ from Ebola to COVID-19.pdf FACT SHEET FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS EUA OF VEKLURY (remdesivir) FOR PEDIATRIC PATIENTS.pdf Use-of-REMDESIVIR-in-COVID- 19_V1.2_15Mar2021.pdf Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV- 19 Vaccines.pdf Australian Immunisation Register Ceasing correspondence and release of information.pdf MASKS MADE OPTIONAL.pdf No Mask Mandates Exist.pdf Letter to Schools (CA).pdf The 45 Communist Goals.pdf Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity_ reinfections versus breakthrough infections _ medRxiv.pdf Transhumanism lecture slides by Carrie Madej.pdf Regeneron casirivimab and imdevimab EUA.pdf Regeneron COVID-19.pdf Sotrovimab fact sheet molnupiravir-patient-fact-sheet
TGA-Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN)
Total Fatalaties - 982